Roasted Capsicums (Peppers)

These are delicious, are simple to make and are much cheaper to make your own rather than buying them. These aren’t preserved though, they need to be refrigerated and eaten within a few days.

Preheat grill. Cut capsicums in half and remove the seeds. Pour a little olive onto your hands and rub over the skins of each half. Slice the capsicums into pieces or slices (size desired, realising they will shrink by 1/2). Place in oven dish that has been greased or sprayed with olive oil.


Place under grill (not too close) and cook for 8 – 12 minutes until the skins are bubbled and blackened. The longer and slower these are cooked the sweeter they become so you don’t want to cook these too quickly.Image

Leave to cook and carefully peel off skins…they should come off easily. Place in dish and drizzle with olive oil.


16 thoughts on “Roasted Capsicums (Peppers)

  1. No problem eating them in a couple of days…the problem would be in making them last till they cooled down! 😉 I think I would eat them straight out of the pan with hot fingers complaining all the while about how I was getting burned but not stopping…story of my life! 😉


  2. I made these once and put them in oil to keep them longer. Sadly I put them in the pantry, not the fridge. They exploded stinky capsicum oil everywhere. I’ve not been game to try again since (over 2 years now). Is there some way to preserve them to enjoy over time?


  3. My Watering Can says:

    That looks delicious! We just ordered 5 different varieties of pepper seeds to grow this coming gardening season.

    By the way, what on earth happened to The Belmont Rooster? Even his older site is gone. Any idea?


    • Well they should ,make a great, colourful display 🙂

      I had no idea he was gone as I have hardly come on these past few weeks. That’s so sad, I wonder why he has stopped…he seemed to love his blogging and it was such a great one! I would’ve thought he would have given an explanation and said “Bye” if going?!


      • Julianna @My Watering Can says:

        I know, right!? Both his sites gone, and I tried to email him (he had emailed me to ask if I’d accept that Most Inspiring Blogger award, I think you also nominated me), and the email to him bounced. Something happened that none of us know, and it concerned me. He was one person that inspired me to write more regularly. He was so involved, hard to believe he vanished that suddenly. Anyway!

        I can’t wait to grow our peppers! I’ll be posting pics as they grow this summer.


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