Syd and Angus…the best of mates

Just a few photos as a follow up to getting Dot two weeks ago. Syd and he are the best of mates and we love Angus, he’s a naughty but very loveable wee fella.

They love to go for walks down the river togetherIMG_0446[1]They love to wreck the house together when left home alone

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They even conspire to show complete innocence together “Wasn’t Me, I slept through the whole thing…” Angus asleep on what used to be a cushion, Syd feigning sleep next to him.

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And every night they snuggle on Dad.


That’s before the howling at the top of the stairs starts when we go to bed thinking all is quiet and peaceful!

31 thoughts on “Syd and Angus…the best of mates

    • Lol, poor kitties have such a hard life don’t they 🙂 They ARE gorgeous together but a whole lot of mischief….I don’t know how many times Roger has commented about “that bloody puppy!” At least Mittens will sit in the same room with him now and they are trying to understand each other 🙂


      • Wow, good progress being made! You will have a happy family much quicker than I did. As you know, it took O six months to come down from the top of the fridge and a year to come back to bed 😀 Now I try to sleep wedged in between two outspread animals!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Lol. And I bet you love it!! There is no way ours will all be on the bed together unless I move Roger out of it, Syd is too big and it is Mitten’s safe haven. Yes, Mitten’s is coping better than Orlando did at this stage 🙂


  1. “Nothing to see here…move along…” 😉 Looks, and sounds, like a perfectly normal house where dogs live. I love how quickly Syd took to having a little mate and the cat most DEFINITELY did it by the way. Earl says it is true.


  2. Lol, yes perfectly normal….now! Having one dog who knew how to behave seems alot more attractive now but we do get alot of laughs out of them and Syd is loving it. Thanks for that Earl, I shall watch him more closely in future now I have him sussed! 🙂


  3. Thank you thank you for this whole wonderful update. LOL, they are a handful hey? I think if you’re found asleep on the victim of the mayhem( torn pillow), you’ve been busted. LOL that is just too cute. I bigified your phot to see the cuteness in all it’s glory……an angel in disguise perhaps, snort. Dang, itty bitty littl’ buddy How big will Dot get? xk


    • Dot is very lucky he is so very cute to look at because if he was bigger he would get alot more scoldings. We underestimate what this tiny thing is capable of…and his formerly perfect partner in crime! This morning we got up to an emptied rubbish bag all through the lounge….grrr!! lol Dot’s Mum is around 2/3 the size of a Maltese, not sure about his Dad but the owner thought he would grow to about the same size. xx

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m sure that might be what some people think about little kids too, HA. If they were’n’t so darn cute (when they’re sleeping mostly) they’d get scoldings a lot more often.

        I can totally relate. Sometimes my smallest black cat Petals can be a real pill. She howels at night, gets sick on the carpet from eating too fast, poops 5 inches from the litter box, is always on the counter….I could go on and on. Then, when you pick her up, she’s a teeny, cute, purring fur ball and all is forgiven. LOL Have fun ;p

        Liked by 2 people

  4. I can’t decide if Syd is the size of a horse or not . . . wee Angus sure makes him look that way, doesn’t he? I love the pictures of the two bandidos catching forty winks when they should have been catching a bit more than that 🙂

    Nothing like a puppy, is there? It’s too bad they grow up so fast, but I guess that’s part of what makes it bearable. I’m glad to hear that Mittens is adapting well. Not easy to be a cat in a two-dog household.

    I, too, love that photo of them snuggling up on Dad . . . sweetness itself.

    Hugs to you, Wendy. ! Linne


  5. Syd is a large dog but not the size of a horse lol, or a very large breed. Angus is very little 🙂 And I agree, the fact they grow out of being a puppy quickly makes them bearable 🙂

    I love that photo too Linne, I never get nice photos of me with our pets, always Roger.

    Hope you are well, hugs back.


  6. awww…I love this post! I am down to 1 dog and 3 cats. I have cats because my daughter brought them home. I have learned to love them too. But I am truly a dog person + these pictures speak to me:-) The last one just tugs at my heart….miss the two we lost this past year and hope someday to get a new dog. We just have Chance and for now I want him to be “king dog” but your pictures really tug at my heart!!! adorable…I can’t imagine how I ever had 5 dogs, 3 cats, 3 kids and all their friends…I can’t figure out lately- when I am chasing my 2 year old grandson, How did I ever have 3 kids! LOL


    • Geez, I can’t imagine how you ever had 5 dogs either, two is plenty enough mischief for this home! And yeah, I can relate about the kids too lol. I am getting a new one….grandchild that is, due Feb. With 9 years between them this will be my second, very exciting. This bottom photo is adorable ay, he loves Syd and his Dad 🙂

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      • Well-2 was enough for me but my middle daughter kept rescuing dogs and then they grew on me as she brought them home. I could not give them away-lol. It was fun watching the older ones take the younger dogs under wing. They would all cuddle together and it was a little family. We had a big yard back then-minus all my “urban potager”-LOL. Congrats on the new grandchild. We got two ( my daugher in Sweden had twins) this past April. We have the other one that turned two living down the street which is fun but boy am I tired after he spends the day-LOL-I ain’t so young anymore!


  7. I would just keep making cushions for them to tear apart while I was gone and set the video camera on them. Bet you could make a fortune on U tube playing it over and over. Those 2 are a pair. I’ll bet the cat watched and sang, “someone’s going to be in trouble” while smirking the whole way. My guess it’s the little one who is mostly at the root of it and Syd just looks on saying he just couldn’t stop him, mom. What’s a big brother to do? That made my morning. I’m glad I’m finally getting back to posts I’ve missed. I’ll be grinning all day.


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