10 thoughts on “Guest Post: Something To Admire

  1. It is a fabulous post Wendy – I enjoyed reading it very much and having that instant bio was wonderful too. You do such great things and the relationship you have made with the workers from Vanuatu is inspirational! You are an amazing woman! xoxo


  2. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words says:

    your words are inspiring you know….I have been turning my 2.5 acres into gardens (very slowly as I live in Hill Country, which means rocks )
    Thank you for your kindness as it gives a whisper on the wind to show true humanity as it is to be….
    Thank you, I enjoyed your story very much
    Take Care…You Matter…


    • What a lovely thing to say there, thank you very much for your kind thoughts 🙂
      I couldn’t imagine growing in rock ridden ground, that is hard going to clear that and yes, it would be slow. How wonderful though that you have 2.5 acres, we would love to have that! Thanks for your comments 🙂


      • LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words says:

        You are very Welcome…
        as for the rocks, they make wonderful upraised gardens for me , I re-purpose and as y’all do..I like the olde tried and true, not the new and improved…seems to stand the test of time and seasons


      • Perfect 🙂 🙂 🙂 We fell in love with this place after walking through thinking ho-hum about it then seeing the rocks walls that had been put in. Stone will be there forever and has such character.
        I am just looking at your bog, it’s beautiful.


  3. “A lovely guest post; and great to see how you have enriched your own lives and those of the guest workers from Vanuatu.” I put this comment on Lois’ page but it really makes more sense here. 🙂


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